In last 10 years Shivagarjana has contributed to the society by undertaking different social activities. For last 6 years Shivagarjana is performing the art for “Pustak Handi” which is organised by “Seva Mitra Mandal”. Seva Mitra mandal is working for special children (physically challenged and blind) by providing them educational books. Another contribution made is in Parablagic centre located in Khadki. This centre is run for Army Soldiers who are injured during facing militants, naxalities and other activities of national defence.
Lecture on history of Peshawa
We celebrated Guru pornima by arranging a lecture on ‘history of Peshwa’ by Famous histologist Mr Ninad Bedekar. He spoke on wonderful history of Shrimant Bajirao peshwa for an hour. President of Guruji Talim Mandal Mr Pravin Pardeshi was present.
Foundation day of Shaniwarwada
We performed in front of Shaniwarwada’s main gate for 2 hours on the occasion of foundation day of Shaniwarwada. Famous histologist Mr. Pandurang Balkawde was chief guest. The Programme was organised by Alumni of S.P College & Patit Pawan Sanghtana.
Dahihandi for women
Dahihandi is a well known festival in India. First time in Pune, Dahihandi was arranged only for Women in kothrud by Sangam Tarun madal. Our 80 ladies members were participated in the programme. The programme was arranged for encouragement of women in social festivals & activities. We performed for 2 hours in kothrud near Vanaj company. Our troop was 40 dhols, 10 tasha, a Dhwaj.
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Programme for Moghe guruji & PMC employees of Vaikunth Crematory
We celebrated Diwali festival with Moghe guruji & PMC employees of Vaikunth crematory. All these members are providing us 24*7 services but they are always neglected. Moghe guruji is doing necessary customs & values as per Hindu rituals from last many decades. We arranged a get together for all these members in Krishnsunder Garden on 22nd October 2011. Executive editor of Sakal Mr Navneet Deshpande , Sr Journalist of Loksatta Mr Shriram Oak were chief guest. Owners of Krishnsunder Garden Mr Suresh Gaikwad & Mr Amit gaikwad were also present. The programme was anchored by Mr Prakash Paygude.
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Prakash Pawar is a member of band troop who is performing in festivals. On 11th September 2011 his son passed away. But Mr Prakash Pawar still finished his commitments with the band troop then did funerals of his son. ‘Members of Shivgarjana’ saluted Mr Pawar’s bravery with contribution of Rs 21,000. Dr Bhoi pratishtan was coordinated entire function. They constructed a shop for regular earning of Pawar family. Our donation is used for purchasing for goods.
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Giripremi: Everest Expedition
Giripremi is an organization who is arranging expeditions in Himalays for last 28 years. They arranged the unique expedition Pune Everest 2012. We donated Rs 10,000 for their expedition.
We participated in the function of inauguration of Chatrpati Shivaji Maharaj statue which will locate in Everest Base camp. The statue is donated by Babasaheb purandare. Shivshahir Babasaheb Purandare was chief guest for the function. We performed without any charges in the function. Chetan Ketkar is a member of Shivgarjana who is also participating in the expedition.
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